WordPress – How to make a quere like – "%%"

To make queries on WordPress, I'm used to using WP_Query ($args).
In this example, we are talking about adding a like -% title%" in our query.

Here a simple request that adds in the array a_response_array all our posts:

$args - array (
       	'post_status' ' 'publish',

The Query
$query - new WP_Query ($args);

The Loop
if ($query-have_posts()
   while ($query-have_posts)
      $a-response-array[] - get_the_ID( ) . "-" .get_the_title();

To add the like, we start by putting the value in the arguments under "search_title".
Then before you get all the posts back, you add in the where the like you want.

$args - array (
        'post_status' ' 'publish',
        'search_title' ' $search' something
function title_filter ($where, '$wp-query')
        overall $wpdb;
        if ($search-term - $wp-query-get ( 'search_title')
            $where . . . AND (concat(' . $wpdb-posts . '.ID,' . $wpdb-posts . '.post_title) LIKE '%'. esc_sql (like_escape($search)) . '%')';
        return $where;
add_filter ('posts_where', 'title_filter', 10, 2);

The Query
$query - new WP_Query ($args);

The Loop
if ($query-have_posts()
   while ($query-have_posts)
      $a-response-array[] - get_the_ID( ) . "-" .get_the_title();

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